Negotiation and Influence

Negotiation and Influence

“You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you can negotiate.”

What factors increase or decrease our negotiation power, and how to elevate your power.
- Curated negotiation and influence books and resources that we can borrow and adapt key learnings from, including a deep-dive on Dr. Cialdini’s ‘6 - Shortcuts to Influence & Persuasion’
- How procurement are taught to prepare and execute negotiations, and how to turn that to our advantage.
- Top tips for dealing with tough negotiators.
- Common hard-ball negotiation tactics used by procurement and how to defuse them.
- Objection handling techniques and power-statements we can use to influence key commercial discussions on price, payment terms, ownership of IP, and being forced to fill in rate cards and track time.

Negotiation and Influence
  • Negotiation and Influence

    What factors increase or decrease our negotiation power, and how to elevate your power.
    - Curated negotiation and influence books and resources that we can borrow and adapt key learnings from, including a deep-dive on Dr. Cialdini’s ‘6 - Shortcuts to Influence & Persuasion’
    - How procurement are ...